Killaloe and District Housing- Millstream Apartments

Killaloe and District Housing Inc. is a non-profit corporation in the 211 Eastern Region service area of Ontario providing 28 units of affordable housing for senior citizens in its Millstream Apartments building.

24 one-bedroom units and 4 two-bedroom units

The apartment complex is on a one-acre site overlooking Brennan’s creek in the village of Killaloe, ON, adjacent to Station Park and within walking distance to village amenities. There are 24 one-bedroom units and 4 two-bedroom units which make up a mix of affordable market rate and rent-geared-to-income (RGI) units, with a current target of 11 market to 17 RGI units.

About the Building

The building has a lift for those with walkers and wheelchairs to access the second floor. On the east side of the building is a paved and curbed parking lot for 19 vehicles and on the west side there is a tenant vegetable garden, raised garden beds and horseshoe pits. Tenants also have access to a laundry room and a common room with full kitchen facilities for meeting and event space that also adjoins a common patio with a barbeque overlooking the creek.  Ground floor units have additional patio space, and second floor units have balconies.

Our Shared Spaces

Get to Know Us

A Board of Directors, consisting of ten volunteers from the community, and a General Manager are responsible for oversight of the corporation and management of the apartment building and grounds. 

  • Our building and grounds are maintained by our maintenance & grounds worker, and our custodian keeps our common areas sparkling. A tenant also provides assistance to the manager if there is a tenant or building emergency or need for contractor access outside of office hours.

  • In 2023, the monthly market rate of single bedroom units is $626, and two-bedroom units is $704. The tenant pays for their electricity costs through Ottawa Power, which also powers electric baseboard heat in their units. Optional costs to tenants are telephone, cable or satellite, and optional parking stall ($15/monthly).

  • Seniors. Preference given to ages 65 and older, following a cascading age policy.

Applications to Live Here

To apply to rent, submit application form(s) to our office in person, by mail or email. We receive applications for both the Renfrew County Community Housing program (Rent-Geared to Income subsidy program) which we forward to Renfrew County who manages the RGI program and waitlist.

We also receive separate applications for our market rate units for our management of that waitlist.  Both application streams include requirements for applicant contact information, household information, current & previous landlord information, income information, background check and declaration.

Vacancy rate and rent ratios determine movement of waiting lists. Waitlist prioritization and movement is mainly by date of application and/or eligibility with additional screening for high priority/vulnerable persons (screening and prioritization by Renfrew County for RGI program) and age restrictions (seniors 65+ in most cases).

Our Amenities